Customer Satisfication
We are excited to announce that we have completed our latest customer survey with 29 valued customers participating who collectively answered over 500 questions. We're seeing a notable trend: [...]
Project with XVIVO Perfusion AB
One year ago, we started a project together with XVIVO Perfusion AB to setup a manufacturing process for the XVIVO Liver Assist Perfusion Set. The project included several injection [...]
Students from Linköping University
During this year, six students from the Civil Engineering program in Energi - Environment - Management at Linköping University conducted a project and master thesis at Cenova. Their work [...]
New qualified ISO class 7 clean room
On our current road to grow with our existing and new customers Cenova is adopting its current facility to future needs. One step which is now finished is to [...]
Supporting the Swedish Cancer Society
Together against cancer! Cenova is very proud to support the Swedish Cancer Society, by being a donor to the foundation Cancerfonden. Cancer research contributes to more and more survivors. [...]
Bubble tests according to ASTM F2096-11(2019)
Cenova is proud to present a new capability. Investment has been made in equipment, infrastructure and knowledge in performing so called bubble tests according to ASTM F2096-11(2019) Standard Test [...]
Cenova continues to develop our ability!
To keep up with customer demand, Cenova continues to invest with focus on both capacity and capability. First out in 2024 is a 2k injection molding machine from Engel [...]
Sustainability Goals
During 2023 Cenova have worked with establishing internal sustainability goals linked to the United Nations Global Sustainability Goals. Five have been identified as key focus areas and where Cenova [...]
Change project
At the beginning of September, "Produktionslyftet" which is a change project was launched at Cenova with a lean-game. The activity was led by head coach David Andersson from RISE [...]